Vision and Mission


This project is a catalyst towards the vision of “Atmanirbhar Bharat” by creating additional income & employment generation through commercial activities by MPACS and making it a profitable business unit.

Concept & Activities

Under the programme the co-operatives through its structures and the specialized co-operatives viz. agriculture, sheep & goat, fisheries, and dairy shall be strengthened to act as the force multiplier towards increasing the farmers income. Total estimated cost of UKCDP project including all four sectors is INR 3340 Crores. It is a loan-based project comprising loan (NCDC), subsidy (Central Govt.) and equity component. The beneficiaries primarily include Multipurpose Primary Agriculture Credit Co-operative Societies (MPACS), state level co-operative federations / bodies etc.

The project envisages to bring about holistic development in agriculture and allied sectors in the state through co-operative societies. It targets to identify very specific opportunities for intervention, carving specific projects, assessing technical and financial feasibility of proposed project, project costs, funding structure, converting proposed projects into profitable business models, and thereby developing sustainable income generation for Co-operative Societies, State level Co-operative Federations and its members.

At the onset of the project, pre-assessment of the four sectors was undertaken, opportunities were identified through stakeholder consultation and surveys, roll out plans were prepared, feasibility assessment was carried out and thereafter the implementation work was started.
The implementation of various activities of these sectors are already in progress such as:

  • Co-operative Sector: (primarily focuses on agri & related activities): Collective Co-operative Farming, Damask Rose, Beekeeping, Mushroom, e-marketing, value addition and marketing etc.
  • Sheep & Goat Sector: Facilitating co-operative farmers with construction/renovation of goat shed, goat & buck distribution, AI-heat synchronization, insurance, treatments, vaccination, marketing and selling goat meat under BAKRAW brand , developing Goat valley etc.
  • Fishery Sector: Cluster farming of trout fish through co-operative societies, Value addition and marketing and selling fishes under Uttara fish brand etc.
  • Dairy Sector: Providing 2-5 cattle units through dairy co-operatives, Milk procurement, processing and value addition, marketing, and sale under Aanchal Brand etc.