
Poultry is one of the fastest-growing segments of the agricultural sector in India today. In Uttarakhand, poultry has traditionally been reared in the backyards. The activity has been carried out mostly for domestic consumption. Poultry production of Uttarakhand increased from 2,602 thousand in 2007 to 5,019 thousand in 2020 growing at an average annual rate of 28.84%.

Seeing this vast scope in the poultry business, a pilot project on poultry was launched in Chakrata Block, Dehradun in March 2022. It was started with MPACS Jaadi as the nodal agency and two more MPACS (MPACS, Kandoibharam & Tyuni) were subsequently attached to Jaadi for expansion of project area & beneficiary.

Under the UKCDP Poultry Project, Day Old Chick (DoC) is being purchased from Uttarakhand Livestock Development Board (ULDB) and kept at MPACS Jaadi for 18 days to reduce the chances of mortality. Within these 18 days, requisite vaccines, and medical checkup is being conducted regularly. After completion of 18 days, chicks are distributed to farmers for further rearing. Facilitation and handholding is provided to farmers/beneficiaries in training, shed construction, feed availability, vaccination, marketing, and any other support. Farmers rear three cycles of poultry in a year and in one cycle around 250 chicks (750 chicks per farmer in a year) are being facilitated. It has been planned to keep farmers and MPACS economics in mind. Currently, the breed being reared is Krouiler & Satpuda.