Laldhang – Lemongrass, Marigold, Mint

Issues in the area

  • Small and fragmented landholdings
  • Animal Menace
  • Prevalence of traditional crops like paddy & wheat leads to lesser price realization
  • Limited access to market

Objectives of the intervention

  • Additional Income to farmers
  • Protecting crops from wild animals
  • Utilization of barren land
  • Producing remunerative crops
  • Value addition at farm gate

Activities Undertaken

  • Identification of Crops: Lemongrass, Mint & Marigold
  • Collective Cooperative Farming in the field of member farmers
  • Farmers’ Mobilization
  • Setting up of distillation Unit
  • Value Addition: Oil extraction through a distillation process
  • Marketing linkages for the sale of the produce

Concept & Value Chain Development

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