Infrastructure Development

Infrastructure Development Project is a project under Uttarakhand Cooperative Development Programme aimed at developing infrastructure of Marketing Societies and MPACS across Uttarakhand State. Through redevelopment of existing infrastructure as well as development of new infrastructure, the project targets supporting Marketing Societies and MPACS in the state to not only improve their income but also that of the farmers.

Co-operative Infrastructure Development in Uttarakhand

Redevelopment of worn-out buildings

  • Existing buildings are old and worn out.
  • Many Marketing Society and MPACS properties are situated in prime locations across the state.
  • Most buildings are not in use or not used to their full potential
  • Adds/Improves the visual appeal of the location

Cooperative Development

  • Most Cooperative Societies are not financially stable
  • Requiring development/re-development plans including infrastructure renovations or redevelopment
  • Infrastructure development provides alternate methods to earn regular income

State-Level Economic Benefits

  • Increase income and profit for the Cooperative Societies
  • Economic growth from construction and its multiplier effects— wages infused into the local economy
  • Growth opportunities for local suppliers and contractors
  • Growth in labor and industrial productivity
  • Taxes or fees that accrue to government budgets directly from a project

Types of infrastructure development opportunities:

Through the Infrastructure Development Project Scheme, the Marketing Society can develop the following types of infrastructure projects

Benefits of the Project

  • Increased Job Opportunities: Infrastructure development helps bring new job opportunities through various activities such as during the construction period and post-construction new or scaleup of business activities
  • Increased revenue opportunities for Marketing Society: Planned infrastructure development will result in increased and regular revenue for the marketing society basis the business plan developed enabling in repayment of the loan availed as well as increased income for society members. This in turn will result in increased revenue for members.
  • Expansion within or beyond existing business: The infrastructure development project allows marketing societies to not only scale up existing businesses under the Marketing Society but also expand to other forms of business that have potential in the geography.
  • Area Development and Redevelopment: Infrastructure development can be a catalyst for the revitalization of the region under the Marketing Society through economic multipliers as a result of increased interest and investment from private entities, increased income of members, increased expenditure within a community, blight removal, community stabilization, benefits of construction-related expenditures as well as increased tax revenues.