Aggregation Cum Breeding Farms
Aggregation cum Breeding Farm (ACBF) Lamgrant

Aggregation cum Breeding Farm (ACBF) at Lamgrant, Tehsil Bhagwanpur (Haridwar) has been established by USGCF in July 2019, which is the implementing agency for NCDC funded Project in Uttarakhand. This ACBF serves as an aggregation cum breeding farm for sheep and goats and organize practical trainings to sheep and goat farmer beneficiaries under the NCDC project.

Goat Farmer Beneficiaries Training at ACBF (Skill Training)

    USGCF provide 3 days residential practical and theoretical training to Goat Farmer Beneficiaries at ACBF and the following topics are been covered during their course of training period:

  • Farm Management.
  • Feed Management
  • Disease Management.
  • Primary Treatment.
  • Practical Training at farm.
  • Audio-Visual presentation on best practices in farm management.

Animal Aggregation and Distribution at ACBF Lamgrant

Buck In 1,283
Goat In 4,542
Kids Born 16
Distribution 61
Dressing 61
Breeding at Farm 192
Distribution 1,341
Dressing 2,566

Training at ACBF Lamgrant Haridwar

S. No. Financial Year No. of Training No. of Trainees
1 2019-20 9 318
2 2021-22 3 53
3 2022-23 6 166
Total 18 537




Medical Room

Quarantine Shed


ACBF Pashulok, Rishikesh

ACBF Pashulok, Rishikesh Video